To me, a writing assignment I enjoyed was a personal assignment where we had to connect ourselves to lessons surrounding language. For example, someone who is bilingual could talk about the differences between one culture and another culture in terms of values, treatment, and of course, speaking or writing in said language. There are different… Read More

(this is what I used for the public awareness presentation thingy. Alvin and Uche gave me their parts and I ended up making this. I decided to put this here because I didn’t want to clutter the Public Awareness Page) For powerpoint: hello, this is Thuc and I want to show this slideshow our group… Read More

(March 12, 2021) It’s been a… long year. I currently don’t feel anything after being cooped up in my house for ages. I do however, remember talking with my friends around this time before everything had shut down for us. Although me staying home for the rest of the semester didn’t affect me, I was… Read More

source: I chose this essay because I was intrigued. I think sentiment and relating to the subject personally does matter but I felt like giving a shot to “Politics and the English language”. This took a little time to write up but I do think this essay was interesting to read. I was definitely… Read More