To me, a writing assignment I enjoyed was a personal assignment where we had to connect ourselves to lessons surrounding language. For example, someone who is bilingual could talk about the differences between one culture and another culture in terms of values, treatment, and of course, speaking or writing in said language. There are different rules for certain areas or subjects, so of course, it’s hard to directly apply every rule to something entirely different. So they could use that to share a story where one thing made a lot of sense to them but when it came to another language or area, it wasn’t as easy to do.

Although I did like that assignment a lot, it isn’t easy to open up even with a lighthearted event. Usually I don’t associate school with much fondness. Having friends at school is entirely different then having to deal with a personal story for classes. The thing that encouraged me a lot was having a professor who gave us a foundation which made it easier to understand what she wanted. It is very hard for me to easily communicate and ask questions as someone who hates asking for help so a straightforward teacher who didn’t leave her students behind in teaching really helped.

I dislike the classes that force you to always do research without any rhyme or reason. If you are the type of person that tends to jump right to the heart of the situation without properly explaining things to your students, I may not like you in that aspect. Assignments really aren’t the issue for me. But my environment is definitely what makes or breaks my willpower to do things.

I would say that I almost always do better in environments that makes my life easier due to quick adjustments and an approachable attitude. It might not seem much to you, the professor who will grade us based solely on our individual work for just this class, but when you are a student who’s trying to juggle many things in college, one teacher giving you flexible work is a great relief. There are many students who have to put up with more than just 4-5 classes of college which isn’t easy, especially with the increase in work for some classes during the pandemic because certain professors think it is easy to switch to an entirely different system of learning.

Overall, I do think being straight to the point and properly communicating with your students or peers makes a huge difference in how we view assignments. Its hard to really say why I like certain things to be honest. All you can do is try to adjust accordingly if there is a trending pattern of stress and discuss it with the students. It shows that the teacher is willing to hear people out and that makes people pay a lot more attention

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